Weekly Devotion, 12/19/2022

Resource: See Below (no resource this week – follow the questions guide)

How to use this resource: The questions below should be read after you and your family have spent time listening to the resource, and after you have had time to read through the passage carefully and slowly. Following your family time discussion (using the questions below, or your own questions regarding this text), close in prayer and ask your kids how you can be praying for them and let them know how they can be praying for you as parents.

Family Devotional Question For This Week:

1.     What is the most difficult thing to you about talking with your friends about Jesus and engaging in evangelism? What are some passages that encourage us to share our faith?
(Potential answers: (Read Matthew 28:18-20… 1 Peter 3:15… 1 Corinthians 1:23 and 10:31… 1 Timothy 3:12… Ask “How are these passages connected with evangelism / How do they point us towards evangelism?”)

2.What are the elements of the gospel message again? Work as a group to put the whole story together and do another recap.
(Potential answers: SEE THIS WEEK’S RECAP: God created the world – everything within and above. It was all good. God created Mankind for perfect communion with Him. Mankind fell into sin disobeying God’s command and were banished from perfect communion with Him. God promised a savior who would come to once again reconcile us back to God. Jesus Christ was that prophesied savior who was born of a virgin, lived a perfect sinless life, proved Himself to be the God-man messiah through His preaching and healing ministry and miracles. Jesus was condemned to death by the pharisees and was publicly crucified on a roman cross outside of the city of Jerusalem at a place called Golgotha and was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Three days after his public execution, Jesus proved Himself to be resurrected from the dead and showed Himself to his followers (more than 500 in total) and they believed truthfully that Jesus was resurrected even unto their deaths when facing persecution. Because of these truths, we can know, trust, and follow Jesus Christ as the way to eternal life with God!

3.What does sharing these elements of the gospel look like in an everyday conversation? How can you include this in a conversation with a friend about God?
(Potential answers: First, ask your friend what they believe. If they share, ask them afterwards if you can then share what you believe. After sharing these truths, ask if they would like to believe them and trust in Christ or to come with you to church.)

Prayer Prompts For This Week: 

 – Pray that God would cause us to be more intentional and seek out opportunities to share the Gospel with those we are friends with and are around every day.
 – Pray for people you can think of that you can invite to the Christmas Eve service! 
 – Continue to pray for one another and write down or remember the requests of each person. Either have one person pray over each request, or delegate those prayer requests so that each person prays for something or someone specific.