Weekly Devotion, 4/18-22/2022

Weekly Devotional Time Resources 

Remember, this is just one resource to help you as families spend time reading God’s Word! 

Passage for this week:  1 Corinthians 15
Resource: None for this week – Pray through the passage above, answer or discuss the first question below, and follow the prayer prompts for this week

Family Devotional Question For This Week: 

1.    From our Easter message this past Sunday, What stands out to you the most from reading this passage? How does this passage solidify our understanding and belief/trust in the risen Savior Jesus Christ? What did you learn that is new to you from this passage? What did you learn that caused you to remember something you’ve known, or what has been reinforced from reading this passage?

Prayer Prompts For This Week: 

 – Pray for God’s wisdom and understanding to envelop our lives in light of the resurrection that Paul says is foundational for believers from this chapter. Pray that verses 3-9 would be memorized and internalized in our hearts following this Easter weekend in order for us to give this hope to someone else we know.
 – Pray that God’s love would be most evident of all as we grow in our understanding of the resurrection. Christs perfect sacrifice that was freely given on our behalf and in our place was offered up for us, showing us how seriously God takes sin. His willing sacrifice is also evidence of the conquering of sin and death that was long ago promised from Genesis 3:15 and Genesis 22:8-14 that we see culminating in the crucifixion and resurrection.
 – Continue to pray for one another and write down or remember the requests of each person. Either have one person pray over each request, or delegate those prayer requests so that each person prays for something or someone specific.