Weekly Devotion, 10/17/2022

Passage for this week: 1 Corinthians 9:22-23
Resource: Pray The Word Podcast by David Platt

How to use this resource: The questions below should be read after you and your family have spent time listening to the resource, and after you have had time to read through the passage carefully and slowly. Following your family time discussion (using the questions below, or your own questions regarding this text), close in prayer and ask your kids how you can be praying for them and let them know how they can be praying for you as parents.

Family Devotional Question For This Week:

1.     What stands out to you the most from reading this passage? What did you learn that is new to you from this passage? What did you learn that caused you to remember something you’ve known, or what has been reinforced from reading this passage?

2.From reading this passage, we see Paul essentially laying down his rights for others. What is his stated purpose for doing so? How are we to emulate this behavior? 
(Potential answers: Simply put, Paul says I became weak that I might win the weak for the sake of Christ! Paul is not joining anyone in their sin, nor is he forgetting or betraying the great salvation that Christ Jesus has secured for him! He is simply saying that he met people who did not know Jesus at the level at which they were, SO THAT / IN ORDER THAT he removed barriers to belief for them! He did everything he possibly could to present them with Jesus Christ and he did so unashamedly and without forsaking truth! may we be people and families that can do the same!

3.    What lengths are you willing to go to in order to present the Gospel to people who are in eternal need for it
(Potential answers: This is a personal reflection question, but think this week about how you can, like Paul, lay aside what does not eternally matter for what does eternally matter. think about how those around you who are lost MUST hear the name of Jesus and MUST repent, believe, trust and come to Jesus for salvation. think about how they will be eternally lost without this good news that you have! and remember the goodness and the grace that God has shown you, even while YOU were still in your sin, He made a way through Jesus Christ for you to know him, love him and enjoy him forever all because of Christs sacrifice for us!) 

Prayer Prompts For This Week: 

 – Pray that we would commit to knowing and living in light of what Jesus has done for us and that through our words AND our works that people around us would come to seek Jesus Christ.  
 – Pray that God would reveal right now the things that we MUST lay aside in order to represent Christ well through His word and in His name. Pray for humble submission to His guiding and ask that the Spirit would grant us the power and strength to be obedient to doing so.
 – Continue to pray for one another and write down or remember the requests of each person. Either have one person pray over each request, or delegate those prayer requests so that each person prays for something or someone specific.