Weekly Devotion, 1/16/2023

Passage for this week: Matthew 7: 24-27
Resource: Pray The Word Podcast by David Platt

How to use this resource: The questions below should be read after you and your family have spent time listening to the resource linked below, and after you have had time to read through the passage carefully and slowly. Following your family time discussion (using the questions below, or your own questions regarding this text), close in prayer and ask your students how you can be praying for them and let them know how they can be praying for you as parents.

Family Devotional Question For This Week:

1.     What stands out to you the most from reading this passage? What did you learn that is new to you from this passage? What did you learn that caused you to remember something you’ve known, or what has been reinforced from reading this passage?

2.How does this analogy that Jesus gives connect with how (and on what) we are to build our lives as believers in Christ?
(Potential answers: Because Jesus Christ is the way, the Truth and the Life, and no one comes to the Father in Heaven except through Him (John 14:6), He is the only sure foundation we can build our lives. the building analogy is a best example for understanding the case where it might look nice or seem easy to build on sand (something non-constant, or shifting, or malleable and adaptable to what we feel is right) versus building on the Rock of ages (lasting, dependable, but challenging with rewards and riches in Heaven upon obedience to Christ.)) 

3.What does it practically look like for your life to be built on Christ – the rock solid foundation?
(Potential answers: Think about what David stated in the resource this week, how we must make the Word of God foundational and a constant part of our week and within each day. reading, praying through, meditating or contemplating Gods Word throughout the day will help us be ready for when we are to DO Gods Word. James chapter 1 will also be helpful as James challenges believers to not only hear Gods Word on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights, but to engage and DO Gods Word, living out what it is that Christians say they believe!

Prayer Prompts For This Week: 

 – Pray that Gods Word would be what we consistently pursue in our lives. pray that the Word would be sustained by the Word.
 – Pray that we would know, trust and believe that God’s Word is relevant to our daily lives and that it would be what we turn to for hope, direction, guidance, wisdom and truth that makes us wise unto salvation found in Christ alone! 
 – Continue to pray for one another and write down or remember the requests of each person. Either have one person pray over each request, or delegate those prayer requests so that each person prays for something or someone specific.