Passage for this week: 1 Corinthians 15:3-11
Resource: Pray The Word Podcast by David Platt
How to use this resource: The questions below should be read after you and your family have spent time listening to the resource, and after you have had time to read through the passage carefully and slowly. Following your family time discussion (using the questions below, or your own questions regarding this text), close in prayer and ask your kids how you can be praying for them and let them know how they can be praying for you as parents.
Family Devotional Question For This Week:
1. What stands out to you the most from reading this passage? What did you learn that is new to you from this passage? What did you learn that caused you to remember something you’ve known, or what has been reinforced from reading this passage?
2.What do you find to be the most important thing about this passage we read today?
(Potential answers: This is one of the most important passages in all of scripture because of its condensed (and almost creed-like) explanation of what the bare minimum basics of the Gospel truths are that stand firm with evidential support! Paul references “in accordance with the scriptures” twice in this passage to overstate that Jesus’s life, death and resurrection were fulfilling what God’s Word had promised long ago, and these people witnessing those events that Paul is referring to were eyewitnesses of all of this! How incredible. Paul even goes on to say that there is NOTHING more important than these truths that are clear and factual regarding Jesus Christ that sets Christianity apart from everything else in the world.)
3.Do you know of anyone around you whom you can encourage to take a sharper look at the resurrection of Jesus Christ with? Who can you bring along with you in this deeper look at what the evidence reveals to us?
Prayer Prompts For This Week:
– Pray that God would reveal someone to you this week that you can either invite to church, or any of our events, and that they would be receptive of your invitation.
– Pray that God would continue working on the hearts of those around you and for God to ease conversation into meaningful and Gospel-centered conversations at work or in your day-to-day lives.
– Continue to pray for one another and write down or remember the requests of each person. Either have one person pray over each request, or delegate those prayer requests so that each person prays for something or someone specific.