Sermons by Dr. Jason Hughes (Page 6)

Heaven & Hell: Part 1

What happens when we die?  It’s a question shared by all 8 billion souls on planet Earth.  The truth of God’s Word, the Holy Bible, has definitive answers. There is life beyond this temporal experience. There is a place that you wouldn’t want to miss! And a place you would never want to visit! Every soul will…

Tribulation is Coming

Matthew 24:21 Is the world headed for a utopian period of immense prosperity and peace due to political and technological advancement?  Not according to the Bible. While many today believe we are on the cusp of a new era of incredible progress towards a utopia-like world, the Bible says that we are in fact headed towards…

The Signs of His Coming

Matthew 24:3-36 Jesus has promised that He will return to earth and when He does everything will undergo extraordinary change!  But when will this happen?  Join us this week as we look to Scripture to explore the events that were predicted as markers of His soon return.

The End TImes

What in the world is going on?  It’s a question that is becoming more and more common lately.  Are we living in the end times that the Bible talks about? What comes next? Join us this Sunday as we begin a new sermon series about the world’s future and find peace from God who declares…