Sermon Archive (Page 9)

Christian Courage

Acts 4 Courage makes all the difference in the Christian life.  Courage must come from confidence in God.  This Sunday we will see the importance of Spirit-empowered courage in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ.

The Miracle of Ministry

Acts 3 Last week in Acts, we saw the early church devoted to God, living out the mission of the message, lifestyles of worship, and in a loving, Christ-honoring community.  What an exciting time!  What an excellent pattern!  Today in Acts 3, we will see God’s people continue to serve Christ and display the incredible…

The Church You’d Want to Join

Acts 2:41-47 What makes a church spiritually effective for life-changing ministry?  According to the book of Acts, it is the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through disciples of Jesus Christ.  What does a Spirit-empowered church look like?  To find out join us this Sunday as we continue our Acts sermon series and…

The Glorious Gift of God

Acts 2:1-41 On Pentecost, the disciples were waiting for the arrival of the mysterious Holy Spirit, the One Jesus promised He would send.  Suddenly with great power, the Holy Spirit arrived changing the disciples and empowering the mission of God’s message!  Come learn how all Christians have the glorious gift of God, the Holy Spirit, to guide…

Gazing or Going?

Acts 1:1-11 This Sunday we begin a new sermon series in the book of Acts.  After the resurrection of Jesus, He gives His final instructions to His disciples before ascending to heaven.  After He is gone the disciples are left stuck staring at the sky.  Have you ever felt stuck in life?  In this week’s…