At IBC Youth, our mission is to see students and their families changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to live authentic lives for Jesus Christ.
Spring 2025 Midweek YTH Series

Join us every Wednesday night throughout the Winter and Spring in the Activity Center for our regular midweek programming! Throughout our theme “It’s Personal,” we will see how we sometimes apply labels to ourselves and others to figure out where we fit in the world. But no matter how many labels we wear, they’ll never be able to deliver what we’re looking for: belonging. The good news is, God has given us a place to belong—with Him. Join us as we dig into Scripture to see what it looks like to have a personal relationship with God and how that can give us a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives. We hope your student will invite a friend and join us Wednesday nights in the Activity Center! Doors to the Activity Center open at 6:00pm.
upcoming events

WEEKLY SCHEDULE FOR IBC YTH (6th-12th graders):


At IBC, wherever your student is in their walk with Christ, we have something for everyone and seek to accommodate for your students spiritual needs! Please email me at any time through my address below.
CONTACT: email Pastor Hayden to subscribe to the weekly parent email or with any questions at