All men are invited to breakfast Sunday morning at 8:30am on May 28th in the CAC for a time of fellowship. The guest speaker will be John Surratt from The Gideons International. We do suggest a $5.00 donation per person to offset food costs. Please RSVP to
Families, please join us for our 2nd annual Putt-Putt night! In the weeks leading up to 5/24, please spend time as a family coming up with your own putt-putt hole designs using cardboard and other materials to build your course! Then bring your creation to the CAC for set up that night! We will tee…
Join us after Sunday morning worship for a potluck Table Talk Lunch followed by a short Ministry Conference. This Table Talk will honor our Graduating Seniors and focus on the Future Generations of IBC. Don’t miss this opportunity to show support to our senior class and fellowship with our IBC family. This is a potluck…
Bring you car to IBC for a free car wash by our students! Feel free to make a donation, all money collected with go to helping our Youth go to Summer Camp in Myrtle Beach!
Our Young at Heart group (55+) will be getting together for lunch at Mayfair on Friday May 12th at 11am. Please contact Kay Gaddy for more info and to get signed up!
Calling all families! Whose ready for a night at the ballpark together? On May 12th we will heading out to Knights Stadium in uptown to catch a game and fireworks afterwards! Please contact pastor Hayden ( BEFORE May 1st if you want to purchase tickets! This is a family event, please join us!
This study written by Frances Chan is our new Wednesday night adult bible study led by Pastor Jason. Come join us to study the Holy Spirit and pursue the Spirit-filled life that God desires we experience! Study Begins 5/3 at 6:30pm in the Choir Room located in the Educational Building.
Our Young at Heart group (55+) will attend the NC Baptist Singers & Orchestra Worship Concert on Monday, April 24th. They tentatively plan to leave the church around 5:30pm. If you have questions or would like to sign up to attend please contact Kay Gaddy.
Come and celebrate the risen Savior with our church family! Beginning with the Sunrise Service at 6:45, followed by breakfast at 9:45, then our Worship service after LifeGroups at 11am. Let’s come together to Praise the Lord for this amazing sacrifice and display of love through Jesus.
Please prayerfully consider what God would like you to donate to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. 100% of these gifts will go directly to the 2400 missionaries in North America who are reaching the 240+ million perspective people who are lost without Christ. Our dedication for this offering is Sunday, April 2 and our church…